What is the purpose of Uniform Name Tapes?
If you are curious about Uniform Name Tapes, you have come to the right place. We’ve written about their history, typeface, and benefits. Now you can find out whether or not these tapes are suitable for you.
Information about Uniform Name Tapes
Changing the font of a uniform’s name can be an exciting process. While the uniform’s color and typeface are not the only considerations, a person should also consider the font’s effect on readability. Some people have complained about the font’s legibility. However, the Air Force has a long history of pushing the limits. Legendary pilots such as Brig. Gen. Chuck Yeager, who became the first human to fly at supersonic speeds, and the F-16 fighter jet were both created by Air Force personnel. And Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles “CQ” Brown Jr. encourages Air Force personnel to “accelerate change or lose.” It includes printing a uniform …